Butterfly pea extract as effective as the antihypertensive drug lisinopril


Butterfly pea flower extract improves cardiovascular function and reduces oxidative damage: reducing systolic blood pressure improving relaxation of heart and abdominal blood vessels reducing oxygen free radical production reducing lipid peroxidation decreasing pro-inflammatory protein expression in the heart Jump to the data Why is this important ? Cardiovascular disease is the the leading cause of […]

Benefits of butterfly pea flower when eating fatty meals 


Butterfly pea flowers curb the body’s response when eating fat-rich meals: reducing free fatty acids circulating in the blood  reducing triglycerides circulating in the blood  maintaining & enhancing blood antioxidant capacity after a high-fat meal increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the blood exhibiting a trend towards reduced inflammatory mediators (not statistically significant) Jump […]

Benefits of butterfly pea flower when eating/drinking sugar


Butterfly pea flowers curb the body’s response when ingesting sugar: reducing the glucose surge reducing the insulin surge  maintaining or enhancing blood antioxidant capacity after a sugar hit Jump to the data Why is this important ? The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas estimated that around 451 million adults were living with diabetes in […]

Butterfly pea flower reduces production and storage of fats/oils in cells


Butterfly pea flower extract has the following properties: non-toxic, even at high concentrations when put directly onto cells in culture reduces storage of fats in cells (lipogenesis) enhances breakdown of triglycerides (lipolysis Jump to the data Why is this important ? The World health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 2 billion adults are overweight […]

Butterfly pea flower inhibits enzymes that increase blood sugar levels


Butterfly pea flower extract inhibits digestive enzymes, including: pancreatic α-amylase (chops up starch into smaller sugars like dextrins and maltose) intestinal maltase (chops up maltose into two glucose molecules) intestinal sucrase (chops up sucrose into one fructose and one glucose molecule) Jump to the data Why is this important ? In order to use them […]